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Location: Finland

Friday, January 27, 2006


Sorry for not having updated my blog for some time.. I have been busy enjoying myself (and working).. It has been so warm during the past week, actually the whole time I've been here.

During my two-month stay it has been sunny and warm most of the time..If I was riding home from work in hot weather in Finland I would be mad knowing that I had just missed a beautiful summer day. Here it is ok because the sun will shine again tomorrow.. or at least the day after!

Tassa viimein lisaa kuvia ja kuulumisia!
Tyoharjoittelu on sujunut hyvin, vaikka teettaakin paljon toita.. ja olen viihtynyt hyvin Adelaidessa. Paikka ei ole liian iso muttei liian pienikaan, silla taalta loytaa vaikka mita:

I love Adelaide! It is not too big (here many locals would be nodding and going: definetly not! They all seem to think Adelaide is not big or something enough) but the town is not too small either! There are so many things you can find from here:

Nice city centre with cool shops

Keskusta on taynna kivoja kauppoja, joista osaa en ole viela edes ehtinyt katsastaa.. osaksi siita syysta, etta kaupat sulkevat viikolla jo viidelta iltapaivalla, jolloin olen viela toissa.. Taalla tyopaiva alkaa yleensa yhdeksalta ja paattyy viidelta iltapaivalla.

The central markets and China town are full of yammy stuff !

Keskustan marketit ja China town ovat pullollaan kaikenlaisia herkkuja. Taalta loytyy mm. myos ihana kreikkalainen jogurtti-kauppa..

These pics are from North Terrace where Im working. Not a bad place to work really. I often have my lunch breaks here!

State Library

Tassa kuvia North Terrace-kadulta, jossa olen toissa. Loistava lounastauko-paikka!

SA Museum

Art Gallery

Dave and Nicky came over from Brisbane. We were touring around Adelaide a bit and enjoying the hot weather, which got up to 40'c on saturday..


It's the festival season in Adelaide and with the Festivals you have weird and cool happenings all over the place. These dudes are an example of that..

Nice warm afternoon in the Botanical gardens..
Viikonloppuna oli todella lamminta, jopa 40 astetta! Nickyn ja Daven ansiosta tuli seikkailtua ympari Adelaidea ja seurattua hieman taidefestivaali-tapahtumia..

Our house has been surrounded by weird creatures lately..

This fellow rocked up at our doorstep one hot sunday afternoon: A Yabbie! Not the most ordinary creature to bump into, especially when there is no water in sight.. It chose the right doorstep since we were kind enough not to eat it (as many do). Instead we had an Operation Free-Yabbie ! It looked very pleased when it toddled back to a creek -backwards of course.

Tama kaveri ilmestyi ovellemme eraana paivana. Arvoitukseksi jaa, kuinka Yabbie (joksi paikalliset otusta nimittavat) sinne paatyi, silla lahimmat makean veden latakot ovat parin kilometrin paassa.. Joku muu olisi varmaan tehnyt otuksesta paivallista, mutta me veimme sen takaisin sinne, mista se oli luultavasti jonkin kumman kiemuran kautta tullutkin eli Torrens-jokeen. En tieda kuvittelinko vain, mutta Yabbie vaikutti kovin tyytyvaiselta peruuttaessaan pois ahtaasta amparista.

Andrew thought we wouldn't have possums around here but he was wrong as we found this cutie in our orange tree one night...

Tama sopolainen rapisteli appelsiinipuussamme. Opossumi siis! Yritimme syottaa sille omenaa, mutta eipa kelvannut..

And last but not least:
A skinny ginger cat has been surrounding our house during my stay here. We named the cat "criminal" because of it looked very suspicious.. And last weekend we found out why: It had four cute little kittens hidden between our house and a fence! We think the fluff balls are about three weeks old now.. Should ring RSPCA or something (an animal organisation) to take care of them and give them up for adoption. We sure can't take care of five cats! But gosh they are cute...


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