This picture is from our yard.
Meidan pihalta taas.
Even a country as beautiful as Australia has its bad sides: those terrible creepy crawlings. I have been lucky not to bump into any of the numerous dangerous snakes of Australia but have not been able to avoid spiders...Outside and in our house! Why can't they just stay outside somewhere out of sight?
If you add the sharks and jelly fish to the list of fatal fauna, I could well be dead tomorrow. But more than likely I will survive since these creatures are part of everyday life here in "Stralya" and something you just need to get used to. For me, the dislikement of these creatures is not about what they could do, but simply of what they look like.
Today Andrew and I did a big clean up in the yard hoping to get ridd of some of the Redbacks and white-tailed spiders. (Actually it was me merely standing and pointing out the spider-webs and Andrew doing something about them) No matter how well you clean up, they will always come back he says. "You just need to get used to them" I guess this is partly true but I still want to give this spider spray we bought today a go.
Niinkin upealla maalla kuin Australialla on myos varjopuolensa, nimittain myrkylliset hamahakit, kaarmeet, meduusat, hait ja joitakin muita otuksia, jotka olen listasta unohtanut. Hamahakkeja on tullut vastaan seka sisa- etta ulkotiloissa. Muilta elukoilta olen tahan mennessa onnistunut valttymaan. Tahan asti olen nahnyt hamiksia vain etaalta ja toivonkin, etta ne pysyvat jossakin nakymattomissa.
Nama myrkkyhamahakit ja muut harmittomammatkin mutta inhottavan nakoiset otukset ovat taalla arkipaivaa, johon minun vaan tulisi kai tottua.. Nain Andrew ainakin ilmaisi asian, kun siivosimme pihamaata sinne kertyneista seiteista. Aion kuitenkin testata uuden hamahakki-myrkyn tehoa. Kai sita ajan myota oppii olemaan ajattelematta, etta mita kaikenlaisia monijalkaisia otuksia sita voisi paahan tippua tuolla ulkona kavellessa.
Beautiful sunset of Australia. The amusing thing is that the sun was setting pretty much at the same time in Finland too :)
Aurinko taisi laskea samalla hetkella myos Suomessa :)
Here is my future car.
I went to look for a bike (not the Dutch style where you simply "go shopping" to the central station and "purchase" one.) from Cash Converters. I thought this Mini would be so much more cool than any bike..
Tammoinen pikku Mini-Morris olis niin siisti!!
From the Flinders University where Andrew studied.
Andrewn (jo entiselta) yliopistolta.
Andrew meni noutamaan ymparistotutkinto-todistuksensa ja mina hengailin paikallisten outolintujen kanssa sillavalin. Ihmeellisen nakoisia otuksia! Nain myos ehka maailman suurimman hanhen.. Opiskelijat ovat varmaan syottaneet naita tipuja jonkin verran kun ne parveilivat sen verran lahella.
Here are some of the amazing birdies of Australia. These fellows were keeping me company whilst Andrew was getting his environmental management -certificate.
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