Suuri Koralliriutta oli kylla koko reissun kohokohta! Riutta on maailman suurin korallisysteemi; pituutta riittaa 2,600 kilometrin verran. Taman massiivisen ekosysteemin voi kuulemma nahda kuusta asti! Riutalla riittaa elamaa monessa eri muodossa ja kerroksessa.
Risteilyalus, jolla kuljimme riutalle ankkuroitui riutan laheisyydessa olevaan pontooniin. Saatoimme menna uimaan riutalle rajatulle mutta suht suurelle alueelle.

Well this was truly something: A trip to the Great Barrier Reef, which is the biggest coral system in the world! It stretches for 2,600 km, and apparently you can see this formation from the moon!
We made a day-trip to the Reef and I'm sure its one of those things that you won't easily forget . The underwater world was beautiful and overwhelming with its diverse life and colour! First when I put my head under water I freaked out: It was deeper underneath than I thought, but what really amazed me was the number of fish surrounding me. I though they would have been more shy, but no, there were thousands of them. Then as I swam closer to the reef, I was overwhelmed by the diversity of both corals and fish.
Luckily a cheap underwater camera I bought managed to produce ok pictures. The camera didn't quite capture all the colours but I am happy to be able to give you an idea of what it was like.
On our way to the reef we saw whales but unfortunately weren't able to capture any of them on a film.

Tata kokemusta ei ihan hetkessa unohda! Vedenalainen maailma oli varikas ja ihmeellinen.
Ymparilla parveili tuhansia kaloja useisa eri kerroksissa.

That fish in the picture was massive: About one metre. The fish was not shy at all and was swimming just next to us. These pictures are from an underwater viewing chamber.
Tama kaveri oli noin metrin kokoinen, eika ujostellut sukeltajia tai snorklaajia yhtaan. Nama kuvat on otettu laivassa olleesta vedenalaisesta katseluhuoneesta. Nakyma oli viela parempi kun itse uin kalojen seassa.

This picture was taken after the first snorkle. I had to go back on ship to warm up. The water was around 20 degrees, so not too cold but I stayed in the water for a long time. I went back for another snorkle thinking this is not something you can do every day...
Olin aika fiiliksissa ensimmaisen snorklauksen jalkeen. Oli pakko menna takaisin veteen viela toiseen kertaan. Veneelta sai lainata markapuvun, jonka ansiosta pysyi lampimana ja pystyi snorklailemaan kauemmin.

Vedenalainen halpis kamera ei kopioinut kaikkia vareja. Tama iso jutska (miksikohan tuota nimittaisi) oli violetti.

The real scene was a bit more colourful, that Giant Clam was purple.

The surface of the water looks awsome underneath
Veden alla kaikki nayttaa erilaiselta! Veden paalla tuuli ja aaltoili mutta alapuolella oli rauhallista. Olisin voinut snorklata vaikka koko paivan. Valitettavasti saatoimme viipya riutalla vain nelja tuntia.

Corals competing for the sun light

Snorklauksen ja koko retken kohokohta oli merikilpparin nakeminen. Alla olevassa kuvassa kilppari nakyy osittain. Andrew sukelti ottamaan kuvan. Ihmettelimme kilpparia aikamme ja uimme takaisin veneella pain.

We were lucky to spot a sea turtle when snorkling. It was just few meters underneath us.
As we swam back to the boat, we noticed the sea turle swimming right next to us. It wasn't scared of us at all and was making its way closer to the corals. Probably looking for food. What an awsome thing to see!

Matkalla riutalle naimme myos valaita.
Valitettavasti en saanut tapahtumaa kameralle..

On our way back to Airlie beach I was wondering if I had just been a bad tourist and destroyed heaps of the world's coolest and unfortunately suffering natural heritage... Then I concentrated on thinking how cool the experience was..and the cruiser company did have an eco-friendly certificate of some kind...hmm. I decided to blame the global warming instead.
Ja sitten takaisin Airlie Beachille, mika ei hienon retken jalkeen tuntunut kovin ihmeelliselta paikalta. Andrew lenti kotiin sunnuntai-iltana. Mina otin omaa vapaata ja majoituin hostellissa viela yhden yon.
Tama kuva on Airlien rannalta.

Airlie beach has pretty big beach lagoons (picture below) for tourists to swim in the summer when stingers are a threat in the sea. But as you can see from this picture, there are still no swimmers in the sea, even though it was winter.

Airlie beachille on rakennettu erilliset altaat, jotta turistit voivat uida myos kesakuukausina ilman meduusa-vaaraa.

Paras tapa tutkailla Whitsunday-saaria olisi varmasti omalla veneella. (Ylla paikallisten veneita) Enpa kuitenkaan valita, oli mahtava reissu mutta aika meni vain turhan nopeasti.
The best way to explore the Whitsunday-islands would be with your own yacht. But the cruises we took were pretty good as well, so Im not complaining. I had a pretty cool holiday...

Suuri Koralliriutta oli kylla koko reissun kohokohta! Riutta on maailman suurin korallisysteemi; pituutta riittaa 2,600 kilometrin verran. Taman massiivisen ekosysteemin voi kuulemma nahda kuusta asti! Riutalla riittaa elamaa monessa eri muodossa ja kerroksessa.
Risteilyalus, jolla kuljimme riutalle ankkuroitui riutan laheisyydessa olevaan pontooniin. Saatoimme menna uimaan riutalle rajatulle mutta suht suurelle alueelle.

Well this was truly something: A trip to the Great Barrier Reef, which is the biggest coral system in the world! It stretches for 2,600 km, and apparently you can see this formation from the moon!
We made a day-trip to the Reef and I'm sure its one of those things that you won't easily forget . The underwater world was beautiful and overwhelming with its diverse life and colour! First when I put my head under water I freaked out: It was deeper underneath than I thought, but what really amazed me was the number of fish surrounding me. I though they would have been more shy, but no, there were thousands of them. Then as I swam closer to the reef, I was overwhelmed by the diversity of both corals and fish.
Luckily a cheap underwater camera I bought managed to produce ok pictures. The camera didn't quite capture all the colours but I am happy to be able to give you an idea of what it was like.
On our way to the reef we saw whales but unfortunately weren't able to capture any of them on a film.

Tata kokemusta ei ihan hetkessa unohda! Vedenalainen maailma oli varikas ja ihmeellinen.
Ymparilla parveili tuhansia kaloja useisa eri kerroksissa.

That fish in the picture was massive: About one metre. The fish was not shy at all and was swimming just next to us. These pictures are from an underwater viewing chamber.
Tama kaveri oli noin metrin kokoinen, eika ujostellut sukeltajia tai snorklaajia yhtaan. Nama kuvat on otettu laivassa olleesta vedenalaisesta katseluhuoneesta. Nakyma oli viela parempi kun itse uin kalojen seassa.

This picture was taken after the first snorkle. I had to go back on ship to warm up. The water was around 20 degrees, so not too cold but I stayed in the water for a long time. I went back for another snorkle thinking this is not something you can do every day...
Olin aika fiiliksissa ensimmaisen snorklauksen jalkeen. Oli pakko menna takaisin veteen viela toiseen kertaan. Veneelta sai lainata markapuvun, jonka ansiosta pysyi lampimana ja pystyi snorklailemaan kauemmin.

Vedenalainen halpis kamera ei kopioinut kaikkia vareja. Tama iso jutska (miksikohan tuota nimittaisi) oli violetti.

The real scene was a bit more colourful, that Giant Clam was purple.

The surface of the water looks awsome underneath
Veden alla kaikki nayttaa erilaiselta! Veden paalla tuuli ja aaltoili mutta alapuolella oli rauhallista. Olisin voinut snorklata vaikka koko paivan. Valitettavasti saatoimme viipya riutalla vain nelja tuntia.

Corals competing for the sun light

Snorklauksen ja koko retken kohokohta oli merikilpparin nakeminen. Alla olevassa kuvassa kilppari nakyy osittain. Andrew sukelti ottamaan kuvan. Ihmettelimme kilpparia aikamme ja uimme takaisin veneella pain.

We were lucky to spot a sea turtle when snorkling. It was just few meters underneath us.
As we swam back to the boat, we noticed the sea turle swimming right next to us. It wasn't scared of us at all and was making its way closer to the corals. Probably looking for food. What an awsome thing to see!

Matkalla riutalle naimme myos valaita.
Valitettavasti en saanut tapahtumaa kameralle..

On our way back to Airlie beach I was wondering if I had just been a bad tourist and destroyed heaps of the world's coolest and unfortunately suffering natural heritage... Then I concentrated on thinking how cool the experience was..and the cruiser company did have an eco-friendly certificate of some kind...hmm. I decided to blame the global warming instead.
Ja sitten takaisin Airlie Beachille, mika ei hienon retken jalkeen tuntunut kovin ihmeelliselta paikalta. Andrew lenti kotiin sunnuntai-iltana. Mina otin omaa vapaata ja majoituin hostellissa viela yhden yon.
Tama kuva on Airlien rannalta.

Airlie beach has pretty big beach lagoons (picture below) for tourists to swim in the summer when stingers are a threat in the sea. But as you can see from this picture, there are still no swimmers in the sea, even though it was winter.

Airlie beachille on rakennettu erilliset altaat, jotta turistit voivat uida myos kesakuukausina ilman meduusa-vaaraa.

Paras tapa tutkailla Whitsunday-saaria olisi varmasti omalla veneella. (Ylla paikallisten veneita) Enpa kuitenkaan valita, oli mahtava reissu mutta aika meni vain turhan nopeasti.
The best way to explore the Whitsunday-islands would be with your own yacht. But the cruises we took were pretty good as well, so Im not complaining. I had a pretty cool holiday...
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